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creative small business ideas

those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky.

 According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes.

 So the prospect of starting a new business just isn’t as risky as it might otherwise be. Moreover, for many people, creating their own job becomes their only option.Though, there are plenty of jobs that are considered “recession proof,” such as plumbers, morticians, accountants, and grocers, there are also plenty of weird and wacky businesses people have started?Weird  people have started?Weird  those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business just isn’t as risky as it might otherwise be. Moreover, for many people, creating their own job becomes their only option.

Though, there are plenty of weird and wacky new business ventures that have thrived in a down economy. These businesses might make your eyes widen with disbelief. I know mine sure did when I found out about them!So what are some weird and wacky new business ventures that have thrived in a down economy.

 These businesses might make your eyes widen with disbelief. I know mine sure did when I found out about them!So what are some weird and wacky businesses people have started?Weird  Money Management, Small BusinessShare40 Tweet168 Pin1Comments30Tough economic times can inspire a lot of creativity when it comes to new business ideas.

 For example, though a recession was in full-swing, 2010 saw the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in decades, according to the Kaufman Foundation.But it seems counter-intuitive. After all, starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs and perhaps even their homes. So the prospect of starting a new business is incredibly risky. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), over 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years, and of those that make it, another 50% fail in the next few years.

Those aren’t good odds for anyone. But when times are bad, sometimes things can’t get much worse – especially for people who’ve lost their jobs


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